UniConverge Technologies
< FullStack Developer, Intern />Developed a fullstack dashboard app with support for dynamic widgets, drag-drop, and live data visualization.
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A passionate javascript developer, who loves crafting efficient and scalable solutions to complex challenges.
I am an active contributor in the open-source community with over 83 public repositories and 217 earned stars.
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View Resume ↗Developed a fullstack dashboard app with support for dynamic widgets, drag-drop, and live data visualization.
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A mobile app to generate invoices or estimates for customers in pdf format.
A CLI tool and npm library to download apps from APKMirror programmatically with ease.
A reactive CLI to display valorant match data using HTTP and WebSocket Protocol.
A shoe that features a built-in locking mechanism, step tracking and more.
A beginner friendly fullstack todos app built with React - Elysia with Bun as the runtime.
A minimal, user-friendly yet customizable logger for Elysia i.e. web framework for Bun.